Each month, you'll see a new display board in the window of the It Take's A Village store at 177 Main Street West in Listowel. The display explores the Character Trait of the month using quotes, cartoons, and pictures.
Gotcha! When our Character Council members spot someone exhibiting the Character Trait of the month (for example, a student encouraging another student to join in a game at recess), they reward that behaviour with a "Gotcha Card". These cards can be redeemed for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen, a cookie at Life's A Party, or a treat from Listowel Canadian Tire (thanks to our generous sponsors!). Positive reinforcement is the goal :)
Every other month, the Municipality of North Perth publishes and distributes a newsletter to keep residents informed of issues and events in the community. In each edition, you'll find a "Character Connection" column that shares the Character Traits as well as some quotes from residents about what each of the traits means to them.
The last Thursday in May is the date of the annual Character Run. In 2018, almost 400 people participated and cheered on their neighbours as we celebrated physical activity and perseverance.
More Character Run Info and Pictures We have a free-standing display that shows each of these character traits. If you have an event or space where this banner would be benefitted, please let us know! The request form is below if you would like to borrow the display
At the beginning of each month, members receive an email explaining the character trait of focus for that month along with a poster and picture suitable for sharing in the lunchroom, on screensavers, or in the office. Interested in having your business or organize become an "organization of character"? Email us now!